About Tolerant Network
TOLERANT is a transnational network aiming to support the regular exchange of good practices, experiences and information related to ground work for integrating women victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation (VoT) in employment and for promoting their economic empowerment.
The overall aim of this platform is the collection and sharing of relevant resources, information, developments about approaches, methodologies and practice to address the needs of women VoT for their labour integration. Its ultimate mission is to promote the provision of integrated and gender-specific services to women VoT to enhance their access to employment and integration in the labour market and society.
The TOLERANT Network Platform is developed for the benefit of a variety of actors and stakeholders from Europe and beyond, who are facing similar challenges with the labour integration of VoTs in their countries.
The TOLERANT Network and Platform are created and maintained by the Consortium of the TOLERANT Project, made up of six organisations working for the support of women VoTs in Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy and Austria.